
Breeding Kennel


Kennel Van Het Balgzand

Us and our dogs

  • I had a long time a thirst for dog. Small, white, with long hair, lovely. I've studied many dog encyclopedias, kynological magazines, heaps of advertisements, visited many breeding kennels. Result: Bolognese is the right one which fits to my imagination. Question: From whom to buy and what my family (my sons happily agree, my husband is a little bit reserved, we are living in a small flat…)? In the autumn 1999 our family finaly decided to buy a female Bolognese directly from a breed advisor. But in fact it was a gift from my husband.
  • So we brought our Jessica (we call her Jessica but according to pedigree her name is Ywess Valasske Hory). A small white ball, looking at us, suspiciously, but during a time she used to live with us… And we used to live with her… Jessica is friendly, lovely and playful. Fortunately she doesn't devastate our flat, furniture or shoes. We have split care for her, all the family contributes. She's got us with her friendly and lovely nature.
  • We still maintain in touch with Mrs. Kubìnová, a friendly lady who loves her dogs. When she has new puppies we are visiting her, these small innocent creatures are really lovely. I don't know exactly when, but I thought more and more about our own puppies. Clearly, I decided to breed. I've become member of a breeding club and our Jessica was evaluated for breeding. The first father of our puppies was Baldassare di Platino Iridio, an excellent dog imported from Italy with many domestic and foreign awards including an award from World Dog Show in Vienna. I have asked for international registration of our breeding kennel and today I am owner of the breeding kennel Canis Bohemia.
  • In June 19, 2002 our Jessica brought into the world 2 wonderful puppies, one male and one female. They were really amazing and lovely, mother Jessica took excellent care for them. They were very intelligent, learned quickly, did they need at the right place - on paper towel. There was a pleasant atmosphere at home, when we were looking on puppies, doing photos and motion pictures.
  • At that time I was impatiently awaiting puppies of Mrs. Kubenova's female Tracy Valasske Hory, excellent female, thoroughbred Italian, with success at dog shows, holder of the highest possible award: Inter Champion. The father will be Baldassare di Platino Iridio, one of the best Bolognese of the world. I really craved for a female from these parents. And in April 1, 2002 it happened. Tracy brought into the world their puppies, one of them was our second female, our Hedone. I have selected myself the name for her. So when our Jessica brought their first puppies into the world, Hedone already lived with us. She assisted Jessica and helped her with care about puppies.
  • When Hedone was 9 months old we applied her for first dog show, The International dog show in Trencin (Slovakia). She was excellent and got title CAJC in the Junior class - female. She is always excellent (full teeth, perfect white wavy hair and a pigmentation of the nose and around the eyes, with graceful movement). At the moment Hedone is experienced dog who has got many awards from various dog shows: Czech Junior Champion, Slovak Junior Champion, Czech Champion, Interchampion, 5 x CAJC, 12 x CAC, 1 x CWC, 8 x BOB, 4 x CACIB, 2 x ResCACIB, Golden Medal, Junior winner of Central and Eastern Europe, Czech National Winner, Slovak Junior Winner, Club champion, 2 x Club Winner, Winner of Special Dog Show, Best Female of the Breed, Club winner veteran, Best veteran of special show, BIS2 veteran, Best veteran of club show... In May 2003 we have attended The World dog show in Dortmund (Germany), where she was at 4th place in Junior class - female. She is of course evaluated for breeding.
  • Hedone has already had several times puppies and she is also several times grand-mother:-) Most of her descendants have excellent exterior and some of them have got many awards at dog shows:
    Babette Canis Bohemia - Excellent, 1 x CAJC, 3 x CAC, CACIB
    Bellinda Canis Bohemia - Czech Junior Champion, Excellent, 3 x CAJC, 4 x CAC, 3 x BOB, 2 x CACIB, Club Junior Winner, Club Champion
    Derrick Canis Bohemia - Very promissing 1, Excellent, CAJC, 38 x CAC, CWC, CACA, 20 x CACIB, 1 x ResCACIB, 25 x BOB, Club Junior Winner, 5 x Club Winner (CZ, SK, PL), Winner of Special Dog Show, Club Champion, Czech Champion, Slovak Champion, Champion of Hungary, Champion of Austria, Inter Champion, Grand Champion CZ, Grand Champion of Slowakia, Champion of Champions CZ - BOB, Club Top Dog 2008 1st place
    Happy Dayssi Canis Bohemia - Czech Junior Champion, Czech Champion, National Winner, Club Champion, 3 x CAJC, 10 x CAC, CWC, 6 x CACIB, 2 x BOB, Club Junior Winner, Grand Champion CZ, Interchampion C.I.B.
    Fergio Cannis Bohemia - 6 x CAC, 2 x ResCAC, 2 x CACIB, Best Male of Club Show, Czech Champion
    Chanel Canis Bohemia - Excelent, VP1, 5 x CAJC, 9 x CAC, 4 x ResCAC, 6 x CACIB, 4 x BOB, Junior champion of the Netherlands, Junior champion of Luxembourg, Champion of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Club champion NL, BOB at Crufts 2010, ResCACIB at WDS Bratislava 2010, ..., Interchampion - C.I.B.
    Jessica Canis Bohemia - 3 x CAJC, 2 x Gold Medal, several times CWC and BOB, Junior champion of Poland, Champion of Poland, Club champion
    Kitten Canis Bohemia - VP1, E1, CAJC, Junior champion of NL
    Kinky Canis Bohemia - VP1, E1, CAJC, Club winner - junior
    Kiara Canis Bohemia - Promissing 1, Excelent - WDS Bratislava 2010
    Laureen Canis Bohemia - 3 x CAJC, several times E1, BOB, CWC and CACIB, Junior winner, Junior champion of PL
    Lorenzo Canis Bohemia - 2 x E1 and CAJC
    Mimmi Canis Bohemia - VP1, Best puppy, E1, 3 x CAJC, 2 x BOB, Junior champion of PL
    Hexa Panorama Beskyd - Excelent 2
  • Unfortunately our first female Jessica is already in dog heaven. Hedone remained alone and she was very sad. To make her again happy we have decided to buy two new female. Hexa Panorama Beskyd is Bichon Frise, pure white, quite small stature, good-tempered, playful and adventurous. Her pedigree gives us chance for beautiful puppies in the future. Kiara Canis Bohemia stays at home as continuator of the ancestry. Her mother is Hedone and her father is Aramisz Gyöngyösi Pelyhes, import from Hungary.
    There are good relations between our females, they are inseparable friends. They are lovely, still cheerful, they also know a few pieces for fun. They always welcome all members of our family. Simply they are OUR GIRLS!!!
  • Hedone Valasske hory
    Hedone Valasske hory
    Baldassarre di Platino Iridio
    Baldassarre di Platino Iridio
    Tracy Valasske hory
    Tracy Valasske hory
    Mercurio di Platino Iridio
    Mercurio di Platino Iridio
    Bellinda Canis Bohemia
    Bellinda Canis Bohemia
    Argi di Vignola dei Conti
    Argi di Vignola dei Conti
    Aramisz Gyöngyösi Pelyhes
    Aramisz Gyöngyösi Pelyhes
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